Board of Revenue Punjab Jobs 2025 Online Application Form Latest. Applications are invited from highly interested candidates/Individual well qualified and more experienced professionals.
This project World Bank funded project titled “Punjab Urban Land Record Systems Enhancement (PULSE)” for its Project Management Unit (PMU) of Board of Revenue Punjab, Lahore for the following positions on purely contract basis for the time bounded project.
Jobs are such as Financial Management Specialist, GiSManager, Procurement Associate, Quality Assurance Analyst, GisAnayst. Number of posts can be increased or decreased in accordance with the sanctioned strength as per requirement without any notice of the department.
Vacant Positions:
- Financial Management Specialist
- GiSManager
- Procurement Associate
- Quality Assurance Analyst
- GisAnayst
How to apply for Board of Revenue Punjab:
The selected candidates can be posted anywhere in Punjab.
- The following quotas shall continue to be observed for the above mentioned posts on contract
basis. - Interested candidates must apply through online portal
- Application submitted through email / hard copies shall not be entertained.
Last date for submission of applications is 10.03.2025.